How to minify, bundle, or do both.

You can use the flags in any order, before or after a target path. But for consistency, I’ve put the path last.


The basic commands will just print to stdout.

So you need to write to a file using >. Or use --outfile or --outdir flags.


If you use no flags, you get the script exactly as is, without pulling in imports or minifying.

$ esbuild src/index.js

Source map

The file includes content like this:

  "version": 3,
  "sources": ["../node_modules/lodash/lodash.js", "../src/external-imports.js", "../src/index.js"],
  "sourcesContent": ["/**\n * @license\n * Lodash <>\n * Copyright OpenJS Foundation and other contributors <>\n * Released under MIT license <>\n


Load an entry-point and pull in dependencies from local imports and external modules.

$ esbuild --bundle \

Note --bundle PATH is the same as just using PATH.

Example NPM usage from the docs.

You could set this as build command in Makefile or in package.json scripts.

$ esbuild --bundle \
    --outfile=out.js \


Minify some JS scripts.

$ esbuild --minify foo.js bar.js

Minify an already-bundled JS script. You’ll probably want to add --sourcemap here plus also when you generate the bundled file.

$ esbuild --minify --outfile=bundle.min.js bundle.js

You could set this as minify command in Makefile or in package.json scripts.

Using build directory.

Without changing directory first

Note --outfile does actually need the equals sign.

$ esbuild \
    --outfile=build/bundle.min.js \
    --minify \
    --sourcemap \

With changing directory first

Read and write on given paths.

$ cd build
$ esbuild --minify --outfile=bundle.min.js bundle.js 

Use stdin to read and stdout to write.

$ cd build
$ esbuild --minify < bundle.js > bundle.min.js

Bundle and minify

Take multiple JS files into one bundled, minified file.

Based on the CLI help.

$ esbuild --minify --bundle \
    --sourcemap \
    --outdir=dist \

That produces:

  • dist/main.js
  • dist/


You can omit a target path if you use send text on stdin.

$ cat build/bundle.js \
  | npx esbuild --minify \
  > build/bundle.min.js

Production build

To avoid errors when using process.env in the browser. This is relevant in React.


Based on Getting Started docs which recommend setting a production environment.