


Use Babel to transpile your TypeScript or JSX to plain JS, or modern JS (e.g. ES6) to older JS (e.g. ES5).

If you want to bundle your scripts and other assets, use Webpack, which uses Babel internally.


In this example, I have two scripts.

  • src
    • es6-lib.js
    • hello.js


Set up these commands using NPM scripts or run as npx babel ....


Pass a directory or filename.

$ babel src

Process directory

For every script in src, get an output script in dist.

$ babel src --out-dir dist/

Bundle output

Bundle files in src and output as a single file. Note that the files are simply concanated. Nothing fancy around functions or namespacing.

$ babel src --out-file dist/bundle.js

Even if you target src/index.js and that script imports others, the bundle output will still just be the same as the input file, not including code from the other modules.