
Subsitute a JS expression in a string.

const x = 'abc'
const y = 123

`Value: ${x}`
// 'Value: abc'

Usually just a variable but you can do a function call, method call, ternary, etc.

const x = 'abc'
const y = 123

`${x.toUpperCase()} - ${y}`
// 'ABC - 123'

Tagged template literals


myFunction`My string here`

Equivalent to:

myFunction( ['My string here'] )

Pass a variable

const x = 'Joe';

myFunction`They call me ${x} around here`

Equivalent to:

myFunction( ['They call me ', ' around here'], x)

Styled components example

From Styled components docs.

Text centering won’t break if props.upsidedown is falsy.

const Title = styled.h1`
  ${props.upsidedown && 'transform: rotate(180deg);'}
  text-align: center;

JSX example

If you want to write JSX code but don’t want to add Babel, you can write you code as a tagged template literal using a library like htm.

html`<div>Hello, { name }</div>`

e.g. React example from the docs.

import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { html } from 'htm/react';

  html`<a href="/">Hello!</a>`,

The docs on NPM also cover advanced usage with h or htm instead of html.