
During development

Run this manually, if you have it configured in package.json.

$ npm run lint:fix

Run ad hoc. This will use the project package, or the global package or it will download and run if not installed.

Plain JS:

$ npx eslint . --fix


$ npx eslint . --ext .ts --fix

Before an event

As a manual step before pushing code or building/pushing a release.

$ npm run lint:check


As an automated hook locally.

  • Like on every commit or on a push.
  • Using Git hooks or a JS package like Husky.
  • Add to preversion in package.json, so it runs automatically for when you run npm version TAG_NAME to make a tag.


As part of CI on a remote build system.

  • Run lint checks on CircleCI or GH Actions.
  • You can even set up GH Actions to fix up the code and add a commit for you. But that level of automation may be more trouble than its worth. You’ll find put that your build failed because of a lint issue, so you can then change and push changes.
  • Note that some problems in syntax cannot be auto-fixed - so be prepared to make changes locally anyway.
  • If you have a pre-commit or pre-push hook, then your code on GitHub will be cleaner when it goes through the CI. But having the CI checks is good - in case you make a commit directly on GitHub. And in case someone has not set up hooks locally (git hooks need manual set up but NPM husky hooks I think run automatically if defined in package.json.