What it does

From the docs, running go fmt runs this:

$ gofmt -l -w PACKAGEES


  • gofmt cheatsheet.
  • fmt help:
      $ go help fmt
  • gofmt help:
      $ go doc cmd/gofmt


usage: go fmt [-n] [-x] [packages]


The flags on go fmt are limited to two. Use gofmt if you want more control.

Flag Description
-n Dry-run. Prints commands that would be executed.
-x Trace. Prints commands as they are executed.

For more control, use the standalone gofmt command directly.


Dry run

$ go fmt -n main.go
/Users/mcurrin/.local/go/bin/gofmt -l -w main.go
$ go fmt -n ./...
/Users/mcurrin/.local/go/bin/gofmt -l -w internal/greetings.go
/Users/mcurrin/.local/go/bin/gofmt -l -w main.go