
$ go build ARGS

The build command will output to the current directory or a given target file path.

Unlike install this will not build to your GOBIN.


$ go help build
usage: go build [-o output] [-i] [build flags] [packages]

Build compiles the packages named by the import paths,
along with their dependencies, but it does not install the results.

If the arguments to build are a list of .go files from a single directory,
build treats them as a list of source files specifying a single package.


Default output location

No module given

Given main.go in the top-level directory:

$ go build

The result will be files:

  • main.go
  • my-project - the outer directory will be used, such as your repo’s name.

Module given

Pass a script name and the name of the script will be used for output.

Given main.go in the top-level directory:

$ go build main.go

The result will be files:

  • main.go
  • main

Given main.go in a subdirectory:

$ go build cmd/myapp/main.go

The result will be files:

  • cmd/myapp/main.go
  • main

Custom output

Choose an output path.

The -o flag must come before the module names.

$ go build -o myapp main.go


  • main.go
  • myapp

Use a file path in subdirectory. This will be created for you.

$ go build -o build/myapp main.go


  • main.go
  • build/myapp