Just push your main branch from your machine or edit on GitHub and a Netlify build will run using your config settings.

If you want more control than setting values in the Netlify UI, create a config file in your repo.



  • netlify.toml

It should be at the root of the repo.

It is a TOML file. Indentation should be two spaces.


The minimum config two params under [build] as below.

  • command - what shell command to run to build the app (dependencies are already installed when this runs).
  • publish - which output directory to serve as a site. This directory is usually unversioned in git, for static site generators.


If you have environment variables that are sensitive, put them directly in Netlify, under Build & Deploy then Environment.

If they are safe to be visible in GitHub, add them like this, based on the docs.

  • Prod only.
        environment = { FOO = "bar", NODE_VERSION = "14.15.3" }

Here setting in Production and Deploy Preview, since it is not enough to set it in only Production when I tested on a deploy preview.

  environment = { RUBY_VERSION = "2.7.0" }

  environment = { RUBY_VERSION = "2.7.0" }

For sensitive environment variables, you might have to make an environment permission choice under Sensitive variable policy - see docs.


Choose a directory to load serveless functions and background functions from.

Defaults to netlify/functions if not set.

Override example using functions directory at the root instead:

  functions = "functions"

I think the endpoint will be fixed.

  • /netlify/functions/my-api