GitHub Actions
Guide to syntax for GitHub Actions workflows
What an Action is in GitHub Actions, how to use one and how to make your own
- Built-in variables
How to skip some or all of the build steps
Copied from GitHub UI or docs
- Dev container
Environment variables
How to set env variables at various levels
Syntax for jobs in GH actions workflow file
Persist output
How to capture output from one step and reuse in a later step or another job
Reusable workflows
Call a workflow file within a repo or across repos
- Status
- Tokens
Choose and configure events to trigger your GitHub Actions workflow
- Usage limits
Summary of workflow syntax
- Working directory
This section covers how to use GitHub Actions in a CI/CD flow such as you run automated tests, deploy and publish your repo. All running for free in the cloud whenever the workflow is triggered such as with a push or merged Pull Request.
To use GH Actions, you must create a workflow YAML file with appropriate fields set including triggers and steps. You can write shell commands as steps and you can use use actions from the GH Marketplace to help you set up your environment (install a language and packages) and perform test and deploy steps, without you having to write a lot of code.
Getting started
Here are some other areas to start with:
- GH Actions in Dev Resources. For external links such as to docs, to help you get into how Actions work and the syntax.
- GH Actions recipes in Code Cookbook.
- GH Actions Jekyll Quickstart - deployed with GH Actions and GH Pages.
- React Quickstart - deployed with GH Actions and GH Pages.
- Vue Quickstart - deployed with GH Actions and GH Pages.