

  • Cypress

    End-to-end framework for developer productivity with reliable testing and a first-class dev experience

  • Jasmine
  • Jest

    Simple and fast

  • Karma
  • Mocha

    Flexible - make your own choices

  • Nightwatch

    An end-to-end testing framework that can be used to test web applications and websites, as well as Node.js unit and integration testing.

  • Puppeteer
  • Taiko

    A browser automation tool with a concise API. So you don't have to be verbose and precise like in Selenium.

    You can write steps in interactive mode with a browser view on the side, then at the end you can convert your steps into a test that you can run again.

    Supports Chromium based browsers(Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Opera) and Firefox.

  • Vue Test Utils

    A low-level framework, for access to Vue APIs.

  • Vue Testing Library

    A high-level library to make things easy.

  • codecept


Uncategorized Links

There are various NPM packages available to help you write tests for these areas.


Kinds of tests

  • Unit tests (like functions)
  • Integration tests (like database or API calls)
  • End-to-end tests (like checking the production site is live and rendering expected content)

What code to test

  • Backend
    • Test the server-side Node.js as pages or API requests.
  • Frontend
    • Test the browser side, as HTML and JS.
    • A virtual or real browser is needed to render a JS component in the DOM.
    • Snapshots - compare rendered versions of components.

See Test frameworks in Code Cookbook.