
Module initialization

About the file

See the Packages section of official tutorial.


What is an file for?

The files are required to make Python treat directories containing the file as packages. This prevents directories with a common name, such as string, unintentionally hiding valid modules that occur later on the module search path.

In the simplest case, can just be an empty file, but it can also execute initialization code for the package or set the __all__ variable, described later.

Package installation

Reduce to the fewest pieces, an installable Python package is a directory with an file. This file could be empty and do nothing. For a simple project of a single script, that file could contain all the Python code and no other files are needed.

Adding a docstring

Adding a docstring to the otherwise empty file can be useful when reading your documentation (especially through the console) to explain a module and its purpose. e.g.

An initialization file will be run when its parent directory is imported.

Adding global code

This can be useful to run side effects such as a print statement which is not inside a function.

Add a nested module.

Then import:

>>> import foo
This is the foo module
>>> import
This is the foo module
This is the bar module

Adding functions

More commonly, any functions which are shared for the directory can be placed in the file.

Example use:

>>> import foo
>>> foo.hello()
Hello, world!
$ python -m foo
This is main function
Hello, world!


$ python -m foo.__init__
This is main function
Hello, world!

This will work too in this simple case. But it will execute from inside the foo directory rather than the top-level directory, so some imports within the script or references to data files might fail.

$ python foo/
This is main function
Hello, world!

Is it needed?

From StackOverflow answer

Python 3.3+ supports Implicit Namespace Packages - which means you can have a package without an file.

parent_package/      # EMPTY, NOT NECESSARY in Python 3.3+
    child_package/  # STILL REQUIRED if you want to run an initialization script