

TODO: Remove any unnecessary sections.

Project requirements

TODO: Update for appropriate minimum Python version and any other OS or project-level packages covered later. Optionally add more links.

OR use a table

Name Description
some-os-package Some description.
Python >= 3.6 Info about Python.
some-py-package Some description.

Install hooks

$ make hooks

Install system dependencies

TODO: Include any instructions or commands to install a package or application, other than Python. Example below using external reference and explicit instructions.

Install Python on your machine - see this gist on How to install Python 3.


To be completed by you.


To be completed by you.


To be completed by you.

Install project dependencies

It is usually best-practice in Python projects to install into a sandboxed virtual environment, This will be locked to a specific Python version and contain only the Python libraries that you install into it, so that your Python projects do not get affected.

Create and activate a virtual environment.

$ python3 -m venv venv

If you need more info, follow this guide to Set up a Python 3 Virtual Environment.

Next, you can install Python packages into the project’s virtual environment.

Core dependencies

$ make install

Dev dependencies

$ make install-dev

You may continue to the Usage doc.