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Manage VS Code

Install and upgrade VS Code IDE

Download from website

Go to the Download page of the VS Code docs. It has resources if you need info.

Click the .deb button.

You’ll be prompted to download the file of about 60MB.

Run with the recommended Debian package installer.

Click Install package.

Install as a deb package

Installing the VS Code Debian package will automatically install the APT repository and signing key. That will enable auto-updating using the system’s package manager, as covered next.

Download the .deb file and install it, based on Linux setup in VS Code docs.


$ cd ~/Downloads
$ wget 'https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=760868' -O code.deb
$ sudo apt install ./code.deb

If you get a permissions issue for _apt user, try this then install again:

$ chmod 666 ./code.deb


  1. Click on this link to start the download, based on the setup page:
  2. Install it.
    • Double-click on the file. If not supported by default, click Open with… and choose a Debian package manager.


On Linux, you can’t update in VS Code itself like you can on macOS. VS Code prompts you to update and you click the button, it will take you to the website to download and follow the steps from above. But that is not necessary. Rather use that as a sign to upgrade a package manager.

Package Manager GUI

Use your Package Manager tool and find code installed programs and mark it as upgradeable.


Warning: Avoid running the upgrade command inside VS Code’s own terminal. As that would would quit VS Code before all updates are done.

Use apt.

$ sudo apt install code
The following packages will be upgraded:

Or upgrade all APT packages.

$ make upgrade