
⛵ Usage

Command-line usage

    autotag LEVEL [-p] [-u] [-h]

    Increment git tag using given increment level.

    Positional arguments:
        LEVEL        : 'M' for major, 'm' for minor or 'b' for bug.

        -h --help    : Show help and exit.
        -p --preview : Do a dry run to show the new tag label only, without creating it.
                       This must be used as the 2nd arg i.e. after the LEVEL.
        -u --upgrade : Download latest script from GitHub, write over current script to
                       install it, then exit. Uses cURL and not Git. If using this flag,
                       not other options are needed or used.

As with tagging the normal way, it is recommended to be on the master branch before creating a tag. Otherwise, the tag may not be meaningful in a sequence (especially if the feature branch is behind master).


As an added precaution, the tool will always fetch the latest tags on the GitHub remote before creating a tag. Even if just doing a preview.

This is done to avoid accidentally creating a local tag with a name that already exists on the remote and therefore causing conflict.


Create tags

Increment major version, minor version, or bug version respectively as follows:

$ autotag M
$ autotag m
$ autotag b

Output will be like this:

$ ./autotag b
🚛 Fetching tags...
🔍 Finding most recent tag...
👴 Last tag: v1.1.0
⭐ New tag: v1.1.1


Use the preview flag:

$ autotag m -p
Auto tagging...
Last tag: v0.1.1
New tag: v0.2.0
Skipping tag creation

If there are no tags yet, then v0.0.0 will be implied as the starting point for incrementing levels.

Delete tag

If you realize you don’t want that new tag anymore, delete it using git.

$ git tag -d TAG_NUMBER

Push tag

If you are happy with the tag, you can push it. This will push all local tags.

$ git push --tags

The command above will not push the commits, so you should also do a standard push.

$ git push && git push --tags


See the Upgrade doc for more info.

$ ./autotag --upgrade